Dr. Rebecca Fradkin is an expert on authoritarian regimes, religion and politics, and Russia and Eurasia.
Rebecca received her PhD at the University of Oxford in the Department of Politics and International Relations. Her doctoral thesis, Authoritarian Regimes and the Co-optation of Islam: Kazakhstan and Russia, examined how and why national and sub-national authoritarian regimes with Muslim majorities co-opt Islam and how ordinary citizens perceive these efforts.
Rebecca also previously earned her master’s from Oxford in Comparative Politics. She holds three Bachelor of Arts degrees in: Political Science (Diplomacy and Global Politics); Comparative Religion; and Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies from Miami University of Ohio. While at Miami, Rebecca was a Junior Fellow at the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, one of the foremost centers for research on contemporary Russia.
Research & Analysis, U.S. Department of State
2022- Present
Vice President, Director of Countering Disinformation Strategy, Edelman Data x Intelligence (DXI)
Team Lead, Accenture Federal Services
2021- 2022
Senior Principal Research Scientist, Northrop Grumman
2020- 2021
Post-Graduate Researcher, University of Oxford
2014- 2019
Analyzed why and how authoritarian regimes co-opt religion; deconstructed how authoritarian regimes co-opt Islam in Muslim majority states and regions; assessed how citizens perceive these policies.
Fieldwork conducted in Russia and Kazakhstan
Departmental Instructor, University of Oxford
Taught course on Minorities in Post-Communist Societies. Designed course curriculum and evaluation.
President, Oxford Women in Politics
2015 - 2016
OxWiP is the premier society at Oxford dedicated to advancing the role of women in public and professional life.
Initiated and executed successful high profile events with Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter (CEO and President of the New America Foundation, former Director of Policy Planning at US Department of State), Ambassador Melanne Verveer (former Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton and Executive Director of Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security), and Gloria Steinem.
Intern, U.S. Department of State
Public Service
Data Analysis